How to save Money

This is too common a headline these days and your first reaction after reading this might be “Well, money saving is for people who earn enough to actually save and that ain’t me!” That is partially true but the fact is, everyone can save some money. The hardest part is restricting yourself on certain luxuries in order to begin your saving journey! You will always find excuses about needing to spend on one thing or another but with the tips and tricks we’ve got up our sleeves, you’ll definitely be motivated to save some bucks.

Look for freebies:

Everyone loves shopping, that’s a fact. But what everyone loves even more is getting free stuff without paying anything for it. Obviously, we spend when you can get free stuff online? One of the most effective tips of saving money is to look for websites and store that offer free samples. You can get free books, shopping coupons, makeup and fragrances and almost everything. All you need is a good know-how of the correct website. Just Freebies is a website that offers freebies of all kinds. From makeup, perfumes, pet stuff, food, competitions, books to baby item, this website has everything, you name it.

Record your expenses:

One of the most meaningful way to saving money is to figure out how much you spend and where. Keep track of all your expenses that you make every day and every month. Don’t be shy while listing things down. Write down anything and everything that eats up your cash. Once you have your data, organize the numbers by categories, such as gas, groceries and mortgage, and total each amount. If you find yourself too lazy to record everything on a piece of paper then you can look for a mobile application that will help you with that.


After you figure out where u money goes, the time is now to decide whether you want it to go there or not. Budgeting can seem like a hectic job but you will end up enjoy doing it once you start off it rather seriously. You can set up a limit for every categorical expense and practice to stay below that limit every month. This will not only help you in money saving but also help you in gaining self-control over the things that you might not need and that also are heavy on your pocket.

Set a goal:

It is human behavior that we work better when we have a set goal in our mind. If you are really motivated to save u some bucks then set up a goal and have a thing in mind that you want to save for. This will give you a sense a responsibility and you will be more motivated to not spending your money on things that you don’t need. This can be short-term or long term, whatever suits you. But do have a goal in mind and work towards it. Figure out how much money you’ll need and how long it might take you to save it


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