Counterparty Credit Risk Management

 Expect openness, react quick, moderate misfortunes 

Powerful counterparty credit risk management solutions have never been so significant. The goal is to

give the most pertinent data so your chief groups can improve, quicker choices. Improved investigation

and prescient abilities are essential parts, and with the right examination device, you can expect likely

openings and alleviate misfortunes. 

Examine chronicled CCR information 

Absence of verifiable information investigation can restrict your capacity to successfully recognize and

evaluate patterns. Chronicled information can give bits of knowledge into period-to-period portfolio

changes, so you can distinguish common changes versus strange developments. 

Speed up announcing depending on the situation 

Spotfire programming is a distinct advantage for little and moderate sized monetary administrations

organizations. Its natural perceptions assist clients with making noteworthy, information driven choices

rapidly. See a portion of the manners in which Dnbsame programming is being utilized in counterparty

credit risk detailing and more in our Dnbsame 

Distinguish portfolio sections that require examination and ensure against portfolio decay utilizing

dynamic observing and alleviation techniques. 

Right away catch further bits of knowledge 

Screen overexposure by deciding cutoff points based for explicit measurements like industry, geology,

item type, and risk rating. Ensure this examination is done rapidly and regularly, so you can exploit

new data like credit information and new connections.


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